Category: Entertainment
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Description: Hello core workout! This energizing song paired with standing core work will target those obliques and abdominals - you’ll feel it in your bones AND all those muscles! Each standing core movement is designed to increase core strength, but don’t worry, we’re never all work and no play…there’s still plenty of opportunities for you to groove with the music and make the moves your own! We can’t wait to see you try it! FIT TIP: During the standing abdominal crunches, focus on engaging one side for 2 counts, rather than alternating back and forth. You’ll pull your ribs down to your hip bone for 2 counts, then switch sides. This will burn out one side of your obliques at a time to build core strength! INTENSITY: Mid SUBSCRIBE: ☝️ WORKOUT AT HOME ATTEND A LIVE EVENT: 90 minute experience class 👉 One-day instructor training 👉 BECOME AN INSTRUCTOR: OFFICIAL WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: “Bones" by Imagine Dragons is available for download on all social media platforms including iTunes, Spotify and Google Play. 📩Join our email list so that you'll be the FIRST to know about new YOUTUBE videos + sales + news + REFIT events in your area: REFIT® believes that finding a positive workout shouldn't be a negative experience. Visit our website to access unlimited streaming workouts, find live events, and learn how you can become a certified instructor.